Sunday 18 August 2013

I earned some money and motivation today!

I love working with MGP. My bosses are amazing (so are the quality of the clothes)! They treat their staff really well. I take my job there seriously and I always take their feedback/comments into consideration so I can improve to play my role better. I may not their best choice, but they've always kept me so I think working towards my best for them is the least I can do. They're like my older siblings! I'm not even offended when my boss teases me about being meaty or asks me to go exercise. I always take it as positive motivation.

Speaking of exercise, I know I haven't been taking my fitness seriously in the past two weeks... But I don't regret it. The past two weeks were extremely well spent over good food and good company. I know times like these will be rare now that school is starting. I also took a rest week because my ankle was hurting. There is a time for everything. So this week I will resume my regime and I am excited to challenge myself all over again. Typing this here makes me more determined to stay as disciplined as I can.

You know they always say we should enjoy the process instead of just focusing on the results. It's true. Exercising can be such a drag if you don't enjoy it. I didn't start out loving every single waking moment in the gym when I first started going to the gym last year, but the enjoyment was acquired during my lonely gym sessions for four months during exchange. Listening to music during workouts can really make me enjoy them a lot. My body prefers moving when there's music hahaha, probably because I used to dance a lot. So I guess to each her own!

One goal, many ways to get there. (Find yours)


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