Sunday 18 August 2013

A reminder

There is always room for improvement.
Pay a little bit more attention to others.
Go the extra mile.
Take the initiative.
Give even without being asked to.
Be kind.

Love more.

Many times selfish acts are attributed to survival or defense instincts, but I really think that we can look beyond the wired perception of our individual existence. We can understand that there is a bigger picture out there and that we are all just small parts of it. There can be such strong notion of the self and attachment to possession that people forget about what differentiates us from most other species and makes us truly human - the ability to go beyond our instincts. Having said that, I feel sad because sometimes I find that animals display greater acts of love and selflessness than humans do, even though they are fueled by strong instincts. Humans are the most intelligent species I know of, but sometimes I really think we do and say the stupidest things that make us so inhuman. To be inhuman is to be, I quote, lacking human qualities of compassion and mercy, and so from this, to be human is to be...

Times like this I really reproach myself.


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