Tuesday 7 January 2014

Ashy greeny

Got my hair coloured and cut today. It's much shorter and lighter now! A lot of my curls are gone too (those are just temporary curls), but they served me well for five months. When my hairstylist, Steven, first asked me to go for an ash green colour for my hair, I was super apprehensive about it, but I really liked it at the end of the entire procedure. I guess I can say I have green hair now. I feel powerful when I think about doing that. Ha. Ha. Ha. Well, I had better feel powerful about my hair, because I spent a lot of money on it. I hope my parents do not read this. If they do, then I hope they also know that I decided not to buy my New Balances and other shoes. The reverse ombre effect (as named by Becky) is unintentional. I dyed my hair black so it's difficult to dye other colours over it.

I was in a good mood throughout the rest of the day while checking out shops and looking for inspiration for the secret project. It's launching soon and I feel a little nervous about it, because... More next time.

I thought I had a lot to write about so I started this post but I suddenly don't know what to write. Must be the lack of sleep. Speaking of which, it's been almost a month since I caught that nasty cold but I'm still coughing really badly. And I mean really badly. Like my lungs feel like they are about to rupture anytime whenever I cough. I can't sleep because whenever I'm about the board the train for lullaby land, this little itch gets into my throat and makes me cough up a storm. No sleep, no rest, no speedy recovery.

I put enough words together to form a paragraph goooooodnight.

P.S. Time is passing too quickly.


LAYTIN said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Hello Valerie, may I ask where you did your hair coloring at?

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Hey Valerie, may I ask where you bought your black long skirt of your latest ootd on instagram?

val said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Hello! I did it at Hair Story, 313 Somerset (:

LAYTIN said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Thank you Val! :) Is there a specific name for the color?

val said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Hi! It's actually a gift, but I think I saw similar ones from aforarcade.com!

val said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

You're welcome! It's called Ash Green and was from Aveda if I'm not wrong.

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