Tuesday 18 February 2014


Monday is the longest school day of the week for me. I wake up at 0800 and get home around 2130; 2200 to 2300 if I have dinner outside home. Thankfully, it's the day that Javin and I have the same timetable and that makes everything a whole lot better (:

I wake up at 0800, meet Javin to get to school early so we can have mixed rice from our favourite vegetarian stall in FASS. We have it before our lesson instead of after because they usually run out of our favourite dishes by the time we end class. It also leaves sufficient time for my heavy meal to be digested so I can run comfortably when Javin and I go to the gym after class. After some exercise, we have our very late lunch and proceed with school work. We then have our last class of the day and we head for dinner or back home after that.

It is a long and draining day, but I always look forward to my last class. It's pretty chill and my prof always talks about really interesting findings about consumer behaviour. For example, in the second lesson, we learnt about how women tend to shop more when they are ovulating, and are more likely to purchase sexier pieces during this period of time. Hahaha. Recently, we learnt about some love-related phenomena (like why girls like bad boys etc all supported by sound research) in light of Valentine's Day. Another reason why I love this class is because a lot of my closer friends in university are in the same class so we have a lot of fun joking and laughing at each other in class.

School should be this enjoyable all the time, but you know, life can't always be enjoyable and one of the best ways to grow is to be put into a difficult environment, so oh well goodnight very tired now


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