Sunday 9 March 2014


I've been driving a lot recently, to meet-ups with friends, to school, to pick people, to run errands... And I have to say that I have cultivated a liking for driving. I never thought I would see the day that I start to enjoy driving because I used to find it unnecessarily stressful, especially when there are many cars and when the roads are complicated. However, it has become a way for me to relax while listening/singing to songs on the radio. I particularly like long smooth drives on expressways when I can see a lot of the sky. It's somehow very therapeutic. Anything that has to do with music and scenery is generally therapeutic to me. This song, Magic by Coldplay, is a new track I managed to catch during the drive home today. I really like it and it has a little of that "The XX" vibe to it. Helped me to relax and collect my thoughts after a heavy morning.

I guess we should never be too quick to define who we are as people. Humans are prone to judging, including ourselves, and we tend to think of ourselves as certain people, sometimes underestimating ourselves, sometimes overestimating ourselves. When we cannot figure out who we are, we say that we are facing an identity crisis because we absolutely need to know who we are. I wonder how important this is and whether it would be better for us to let go of our attachment to the notion of self. We define our ideal selves in so many ways that some people struggle when their beliefs change. People change with experience; that's common. People resist change; that's common too. If we open ourselves up to changing, there will be so many more ways to live this life.


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