Friday, 24 January 2014

Platform slip-ons

I know I said I wouldn't be buying anymore shoes this month, but I really had to get a pair because I grew half a size bigger or something and all my shoes are no longer comfy. Can't be wearing the New Balances I wear for the gym everywhere. Or maybe I can. Speaking of gym I have not exercised in ages and I miss it!

So I got these platform slip-ons which were supposed to be my staple footwear, but they're too big for me. I took them because one size down was too small. I have to use those heel grips to prevent the back of the shoe from slipping off my heel (they're supposed to be slip-ons not slip-offs hahaha...) and now they're really tight because I have to use two thick heel grips for each shoe. But there's no other way to keep them from slipping off! I really love them so I'll bear it for now. Or maybe I could get those skate slip-ons from Céline... Just kidding, I have no money for that. They do look a little alike though, except the platform for mine is way higher + ripple soles, while those from Céline are probably more comfortable. Actually, don't all slip-ons look similar? Now I sound like an airhead hahaha

TGIF everyone!

P.S. If anyone is looking for some simple slip-ons/loafers, I saw a pair of marble print ones from Charles & Keith's online store that day


Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

oh these are cute. who makes these?

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